Plymouth Amateur Rowing Club has become the latest rowing club in England and Wales to benefit from a RALPHH grant, allowing the Club to purchase defibrillation equipment.
Based on the bank of the River Plym and on the main route into the City of Plymouth on the A374, the area is also known as Arnold’s Point ,The Embankment. The Club was established in 1949 and has some 60 active members. The location is also part of the National Cycle Route and is next to the course of the Plymouth Half Marathon.
A public slipway next to the Club is used by jet skiers, whilst on the opposite bank of the river is a waterski centre.
“The need for a defibrillator in a location like this is overwhelming,” said Richard Allen, Chairman of the national charity RALPHH. “The trustees are pleased to have made this installation possible by a significant grant and we are keen to assist other rowing clubs and watersport locations in a similar way.”
Externally mounted in a weather-proof case, the defibrillator is easily identifiable and has been made known to local emergency services.
Pictured in the Club Boathouse in receipt of their potentially life-saving equipment are Treasurer Colin Sanderson and Secretary Rob Kingdon.
Plymouth represents the fifteenth defibrillator made possible by RALPHH grants or gift. The charity is continuing to expand it reach across all exerting sports, thereby tackling the risks to participants associated with either heart or circulatory problems.
