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An Eastbourne resident and a great friend of the man who inspired the creation of the RALPHH charity (Robert Allen Promotion sand Health Hearts Trust) has presented a defibrillator to the oldest sporting club in the town.

David Sadler was a contemporary of Robert Allen whilst they were students at Bournemouth

University and has been one of the most consistent financial supporters of the charity, since Robert unexpectedly died of a heart attack in August 2018. The RALPHH charity was officially formed a year later and since that time has provided gifts of defibrillators to amateur sporting clubs stretching from Gateshead to Sidmouth and from south west Wales to Norfolk.

The presentation was made to Lauren Howell, Treasurer of Eastbourne Rowing Club, at Wallers Haven, Middle Bridge, Pevensey, which is predominately used by the Club for winter training over a two kilometer stretch of water. In the background preparing to row from their pontoon are, left to right: Tabitha McConnell, Trevor Back, Lewis Bacon and Andrea Faulkner.

Eastbourne Rowing Club has 55 members who row in singles, pairs and coxed fours. It is one of 10 coastal rowing clubs stretching from Herne Bay to Southsea. At the time of the presentation the Club was recovering from one of its most successful regatta performances, with members now training towards the South Coast Rowing Championship that will involve 30 different clubs.

RALPHH has now extended its grants or gifting of defibrillation equipment to 36 different amateur sports clubs, the majority of whom linked to rowing, as Robert Allen was a National School Rowing Champion, as well as being a coach.

“We are really pleased to have helped Eastbourne with this equipment,” said Richard Allen,

Chairman of RALPHH. “The location of this boathouse is at least a 10-minute drive to the nearest hospital and we know that when most forms of cardiac problem occur the first seven minutes is crucial. Hopefully the defibrillator will never need to be used, but it provides a layer of protection should the unexpectedly happen.”


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